Education Kit

In collaboration with Aludecor, we embarked on a mission to distribute 500 education kits, aimed at providing pre-primary and primary-level students in Hingalganj with essential home learning aids. Hingalganj’s predominantly first-generation learners lacked academic support at home. Recognizing the importance of parental involvement, we aimed to equip parents to engage with their children’s studies

Understanding the limitations, we designed simple, book-free learning aids suitable for even parents with basic literacy. Repetition, crucial for skill retention, became feasible, fostering a stronger foundation in literacy and numeracy. Implemented on a small scale initially, the learning aids yielded positive results. Children displayed improved academic performance, a stronger grasp of subjects, and increased enthusiasm for education. Family engagement with a child’s education saw a notable rise.
Key Achievements

The International GK Olympiad 2023 witnessed remarkable achievements by students from Swapnopuron Shiksha Niketan:
Hafiza Alam from class IV got the rank 1 internationally. Nilanjan Samanta from class V got the rank 4 internationally. Masum Molla from class VII got the rank 12 internationally.

Science Olympiad
Over the years, Swapnopuron Shiksha Niketan has left an indelible mark on children’s grooming and stellar performance in SOF, aided by Cheenta. Not only does Swapnopuron Shiksha Niketan educate, but it also instills a natural inclination towards learning, ensuring a brighter future for every child in its nurturing embrace. Alam, a shining star from Class IV, has clinched the coveted Rank 1, embodying resilience and brilliance. Joining the league of achievers are Nil Samanta (Class V), Mas Molla (Class VII), and Deb Samanta (Class IX), securing positions that reflect their hard work and dedication.